Contact us

Welcome to Smart Automotive Factory!

We’re thrilled that you’re interested in getting in touch with us. Whether you have questions, feedback, or just want to connect, we’re here to help. Feel free to reach out to us using the information below:


Connect with us on LinkedIn: Smart Automotive Factory LinkedIn

Privacy Policy: Before reaching out, we encourage you to review our Privacy Statement to understand how we handle your data and information.

Let’s Connect

We believe in building strong relationships with our community and partners. Connect with us on LinkedIn to stay updated on our latest developments, news, and events. We look forward to engaging with you!

Reach Out

For any inquiries, suggestions, or collaboration opportunities, please don’t hesitate to drop us an email at We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Visit Our Privacy Statement

Your privacy matters to us. Before you get in touch, we recommend taking a moment to read through our Privacy Statement to learn about how we protect and handle the information you share with us.